
Secure and centralize your user authenication and management workflows using Keycloak, the most popular open-source Identity and Access Management (IAM) tool, that provides:

Features of Keycloak include:

  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Enable users to log in once and gain access to all your applications.
  • Identity Brokering: Integrate seamlessly with external identity providers like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft.
  • GSIS (taxisnet – gov users): integration and customization
  • User Federation: Connect to existing user directories such as LDAP, Active Directory and relational databases.
  • Flexible Authentication: Support for multifactor authentication (MFA), social logins, and custom flows.
  • Fine-Grained Authorization: Manage permissions and roles with ease, ensuring the right users have the right access.
  • Admin Console: User-friendly interface for managing users, roles, and configurations.
  • Extensible: Customize and extend Keycloak to fit your unique needs with plugins and custom code (custom SPIs, authenticators, themes etc.).

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