
DSpace is the software of choice for academic, non-profit, and commercial organizations building open digital repositories. DSpace preserves and enables easy and open access to all types of digital content including text, images, moving images, mpegs and data sets. And with an ever-growing community of developers, committed to continuously expanding and improving the software, each DSpace installation benefits from the next.

DSpace has over 3000 organizations that are currently using the DSpace software in a production or project environment. The most common use is by research libraries as an institutional repository, however there are many organizations using the software to host and manage subject based repositories, dataset repositories or media based repositories. DSpace is built to be flexible and customizable for any organization.

Features of DSpace include:

  • Completely customizable to fit user needs
  • Manage and preserve all format of digital content (PDF, Word, JPEG, MPEG, TIFF files)
  • Apache SOLR based search for metadata and full text contents
  • UTF-8 Support
  • Interface available in 22 languages
  • Granular group based access control, allowing setting permissions down to the level of individual files
  • Optimized for Google Scholar indexing
  • Plus, many more features!

Find out more information about Dspace new features in the official release notes page here

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